Spooky Things Can Happen Around Halloween!

Spooky things can happen around Halloween, and guess what happened to me? Lately, the weather has been gorgeous – you see Halloween decorations everywhere, and you think, “it’s gonna be 80 degrees, as if it were summer – so unusual for...
Connie is now a Certified Negotiations Expert

Connie is now a Certified Negotiations Expert

Connie recently completed the “Certified Negotiations Expert training.” This certification is held by fewer than 3% of Realtors nationwide, and is recognized by the Board of Realtors. “Learning is always exciting, and this *very* intensive training...
Open Houses This Week: Culver City/Mar Vista!

Open Houses This Week: Culver City/Mar Vista!

I held a HOT open house for 3850 Bledsoe on Sunday – at least 50 people showed up! It was just crowds and crowds of people in and out of the house – you would’ve thought I was having a big party, there were so many people! The home is charming and...
Going Inside the Numbers: Beverly Hills

Going Inside the Numbers: Beverly Hills

It’s been some time since I shared a full-fledged analysis of the Beverly Hills (90210) market. I spent a good bit of time researching homes in this area, and here’s what I found. Are you surprised? Criteria used are as follows: 1. Homes in Beverly Hills...