by AdminN | Aug 14, 2015 | News
I have never had a listing fall out of escrow, even though the national average is 51%. Once we’re in escrow, we close! Through my experience, my extensive network of professional and personal relationships, and the power of Nourmand & Associates, I offer...
by AdminN | Aug 10, 2015 | NewListingMonday, News
It’s Monday, and #NewListingMonday is back! Now that Connie’s team has settled in to our new quarters at John Aaroe Group, we’re ready to bring you another dose – a week’s worth of new listings! The number of Beverly Hills properties this...
by AdminN | Aug 7, 2015 | NewListingMonday, News
We’ve taken a planned break on #NewListingMonday while Connie’s team transitions to our new spot at John Aaroe Group. We’ll be back this coming Monday, August 10!...
by AdminN | Aug 4, 2015 | News
It’s official! Last week, Connie formally joined John Aaroe Group as Director of Aaroe Estates, the international luxury property division of the company. This is an exciting move for both Connie and Aaroe Group! In the 6 years Aaroe Group has been around, they...
by AdminN | Jul 20, 2015 | Blog, NewListingMonday, News
We’re back with another installment of #NewListingMonday, and we’ve got twice the listings! Play along! See a hot new listing in Los Angeles? Play along by tweeting or posting your favorites on Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #NewListingMonday. What...
by AdminN | Jul 7, 2015 | Blog, NewListingMonday, News
Welcome to the 4th installment to of our new segment, New Listing Mondays! Every week, we post an update on the newest and hottest properties in Beverly Hills, 90210 and Santa Monica, 90402. This week there are 4 new listings in Beverly Hills and 1 in Santa Monica....