Here’s the latest from our friends at Zillow. North of Montana is a good place to be!
- The median home value in 90402 is $3,338,800.
- 90402 home values have gone up 1.7% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will fall -0.1% within the next year.
- The median list price per square foot in 90402 is $1,560, which is higher than the overallSanta Monicaaverage of $1,029.
North of Montana (90402) has very goodMarket Health, with a score of 7.3/10:
And it looks like 90402 isoutperforming its neighbors, too:
If you have more questions about the current (or future) status of North of Montana, don’t hesitate to give me a call – you can always reach me at 310-913-1184.