by Connie De Groot | May 28, 2010 | News
Connie was in NEW YORK CITY to discuss lending requirements and if things have improved for borrowers as well as the new regulation from Fannie and Freddie requiring a second credit check to be done right before funding a loan. The new regulation begins June 1,... by Connie De Groot | May 28, 2010 | News
Connie was in New York to appear as a guest on “Happy Hour” to speak about America’s obsession with home ownership. Discussions include housing activity in various price ranges, real estate as a wealth building opportunity and what went wrong in the... by Connie De Groot | May 20, 2010 | News
Connie the Realtor was back on Happy Hour with hosts Cody, Eric and Rebecca to discuss the government’s new plan to buy homes for the purpose of incorporating moderate housing into higher end areas such as Weschester...